Sunday 29 January 2012

What it takes to keep Lübeck clean

Not too long ago, Ana Botella, Madrid's new major, proposed to use volunteers to deal with work that should be done by public workers. Free work in a country with over five million unemployed. Not many people liked the idea.

I wonder if she got the idea from Lübeck. Every year, there is a "Clean Lübeck" activity. Good-willed citizens (kids are also welcomed) may take to the streets and clean up the mess. Of course, the city provides working gloves, bags and professional "supervisors".

Coming from a big city, it seems strange. What is the point of paying taxes, if you have to take care of one of the most basic services you expect from the city? It is obvious that it wouldn't harm anybody if they cleaned on a more regular basis. Firecracker left-over from New Year's could be seen on our street up to three weeks after New Year. You can imagine how long dog poop stays on the street. As long as it takes to step it away.

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