Sunday 3 July 2011

Red hot chili peppers

Hot peppers coming up alright, despite an aphid infestation. Normal peppers... taking a little longer. For some strange reason, the pepper plants did not grow upwards, but sideways. I wonder whether I will get peppers larger than the hot peppers.

Not much hope for the tomatoes. It is rainy and cold, and they are just little green specks hanging from the plant.

Dragon boat race

Dragon Boat Racing is a Chinese tradition very popular in Southern China. For some reason has been adopted by the Germans up here, who probably thought it was fun to paddle like crazy dressed up in "colourful" costumes. It is not celebrated exactly on the 5th day of the 5th (lunar) month, as in China, but somewhere during summer, to make sure the weather will be good.

Lübeck's Dragon Boat Race is 11 years old. It is one of the biggest company-events of Northern Germany (or so they say). Crews are composed of whomever feels like paddling, and sponsored by the companies. Main thing seems to be to have a good time, and dressing up in weird ways. Like, there was a crew of sausages whose drummer was a ketchup bottle. This was the team for a brand called Prima.